Saturday, 11 April 2020




Types of hazard

  • Chemical `
  • Physical
  • Microbiological

Chemical hazard- are the result of contamination of non –food stuffs, most commonly cleaning and maintenance solutions.

They could include

  • Pesticides (including rodenticides and insecticides
  • Grease/oils
  • Cleaning chemicals and materials

Physical hazard-are also results of contamination by non-foodstuffs, but are not the result of chemical use or spillage

For example
  1. Glass
  2. Ceramics (such as shards of broken crockery)
  3. Metal
  4. Clothing fragments
  5. Hair and nails
  6. Bone fragments
  7. Paint (typically flakes of old paint)
  8. Packaging
  9. Jewelry
  10. Pen tops, button
  11. Shell fragments
  12. General dirt

Microbiological hazard-are chiefly bacteria but also moulds, yeasts and viruses. Bacteria are the main cause of illness through poising. They could come from a range of source including raw meats and vegetables, animals and pests.

Microbiological organisms are everywhere and most are harmless. By being aware of the ones that Do cause harm we can take action to reduce the risk of that happening. These harmful microorganisms are known as pathogens. Other organism like somewhere in between, they are not pathogenic (they do not cause food borne illness) but they might cause food to become spoiled.

Microbiological organism could be introduced from almost anywhere. They cannot be seen and are found in every environment, even inside our own bodies.




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