Monday, 28 October 2019


It is a fermented drink made up of sweetened  green or black can be made with fermented seasonal fruits.Many variety comes of kambucha in market.It is originated in China during Tsin dynasty.That used to call  "Tea of immortality”. It has non-pathogenic bacteria which is helpful for our body .It also has antioxidant properties which helps to fight against several diseases.

it contains probiotic which is helpful in digestion and can be replacement of so called adultrated probiotic drinks.
It helps in cleansing the liver toxins because of its antioxidant character.
it is one of the healthiest drink which can be taken over any carbonated drinks because a well fermented kambucha can give you slightly feel of carbonation.
Normally a person can drink kambucha thrice a day to get it's maximum advantage

Ingredients required to Prepare kambucha

  • Tea leaves (green, white, herbal or black)
  • Sugar -Granulated sugar
  • Scoby
  • Filtered water

Tea leaves - It is based on the choice of the individual that what kind of tea they prefer. Green, white, herbal or black are commonly used to prepared kambucha.

  • Sugar- is the food of  yeast later the yeast will eat the sugar and the quantity which had been added earlier will reduced.

  • Scoby-it is a jelly like thin sponge made up of Yeast and bacteria. This is one the important ingredient beaches this scoby will provide tangy and fermented taste to the kambucha. Scoby is edible and it is pure vegetarian.
  • It helps to ferment the tea and contributes up to 1% of alcohol in your kambucha.

  • Water- water is to dilute everything and the consistency of the kambucha.

  • Fermentation - fermentation in summer takes up to 14-15 days at (25-30 degree Celsius) in winter it takes more than 20 days based on climate 

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